How to build resilience and thrive with practical neuroscience

  Why do we need to build resilience more than ever? The global moment of change, post COVID, the last developments on AI and digitalization and remote work, have accelerated the need to build resilience and thrive and adaptation in the personal lives and business world. The demands for technological change bring also a new […]

The qualities of conscious leadership

. What is conscious leadership? Conscious leadership has emerged as a powerful philosophy in the business world, centered on prioritizing people and their skills over mere knowledge. It is about inspiring others to share common values and bringing out the best in them. However, becoming a conscious leader begins with a profound self-discovery, requiring a […]

3 keys for effective leadership

. Effective leadership holds the key to driving organizations toward unparalleled success. To truly understand and harness this power, we must explore the critical elements that define effective leadership and contribute to its positive outcomes. By drawing insights from Gallup’s research and expert knowledge, we can unveil the fundamental components that empower leaders to steer […]

Mastering Behavioral Change: Overcoming 7 Inner Obstacles

s. Mastering Behavioral Change Verhaltenswandel meistern: Die 7 inneren Hindernisse überwindenBewältigung von Verhaltensänderungen Verhaltensänderungen sind schwierig, und es kann leicht passieren, dass man in einem Kreislauf aus Versuchen und Misserfolgen stecken bleibt. Nehmen wir an, Sie möchten mit dem regelmäßigen Laufen beginnen. Am Anfang sind Sie vielleicht sehr motiviert und gehen ein oder zwei Wochen […]

Fluent Leadership: Navigating Change and Fostering Inclusion

. Introduction Fluent leadership, a captivating concept that has caught the attention of many, has emerged as a powerful approach in the realm of leadership, particularly during times of change where resistance and uncertainty prevail. This leadership style empowers individuals to navigate challenging situations with grace while achieving their goals. In a rapidly changing world, […]

Exceptional leadership: 5 practices

Exceptional leadership: 5 practices By María Luisa Engels Maria Luisa is neuroscience based corporate consultant, trainer and coach and speaker. She focuses on leadership, psychological safety and inclusion, resilience, change and creative teambuilding. She is also a visual thinker and author. To her clients count global companies in automotive, health care or IT industries. Exceptional […]